Personal Cloud Library, Evergreen Countdown Timer, Video Pop Ups & More...

David Frosdick

Last Updated: October 15, 2019

In our second update since the release of the new OptimizePress Lightning Builder, we take a look at the latest features, elements and integrations we've added to help you build better marketing sites

Personal Cloud Library, Evergreen Countdown Timer, Video Pop Ups & More...

In this month's product update, we bring you the ability to travel through time, plus we bring you Hollywood movie caliber video features. 

It’s only right then that we should call this update to the newest version of OptimizePress - The Back To The Future Update. 

Why not… everyone loves those movies, right?

At this point the OptimizePress technical department (Boo, rules!) has advised me to let you know that this update is commonly known as OptimizePress version 1.0.12 and that full details of all updates are available in our Members Hub Changelog.

Right, that's the technical obligations covered, let's jump into the good stuff. 

If you’re a member of our OptimizePress community you are possibly part of the hundreds of users that join us for our weekly training webinars. During the most recent webinar we spent a bit of time looking at some of the future updates to the platform and one that you really liked was the ability to time travel, well…

[dramatic pause]...

When we say travel time, we might be very slightly over exaggerating. We are of course referring to our new revisions feature and that is the first feature we are going to start this update post so let's get started.

What's New In OptimizePress 🎉


We’ve all been there! You’ve spent hours crafting copy on your sales page only to accidentally delete it 😩

Or you’ve designed a new version of your landing page and then decide you liked things how they were before...

Well… never worry again about making a mistake when you’re building a page. 

With our new revisions feature you can literally jump back in time to view the history of changes you made to your web pages previously.

The page revision allows you to see when you last saved your page and then restore the page to a previous state. Basically going back to the future with one click.

Go, Marty!

Feature Tip: Don't forget about Undo & Redo

You can also undo or redo the last few edits on your page since your last save by using our undo/redo feature. If you have saved your page - you can then use the revisions to go back in time.

Evergreen Countdown Timer

Now you can become the automated “starting soon” marketer you have always dreamed of...

Using our new Evergreen countdown timer element allows you to add a timer that is specific to the visitor at the time the page loads.

This gives the effect of real-time scarcity and can be used for limited time offers, “starting soon” webinar sessions. This is perfect for converting more email opt-ins and increasing sales.

We’ve made the evergreen countdown timer element so it is super easy to use. You can set a time delay that you want (minutes, hours, days) and it will countdown for that specific user when they visit your page.

If they leave the page and re-visit the same page later, the timer will recognise the previous time they visited and will have continued counting down while they were not on the page.

Here’s how it works: 

Step 1: They land on the page and trigger the timer. It starts to countdown at  5 mins.

Step 2: They return to the page two mins later and the timer is now at 3 minutes

Scenario 1

If you run regular webinars you want to test running an automated webinar or a like live replay that appears as though it’s going to be streamed in X number of minutes.

The Evergreen timer is perfect for this. Use on your landing page to show the countdown to when the event starts.

Another Industry First

We also have an industry-first feature in our Evergreen countdown timer element. We’ve created linked timers

This means you can have a timer on the first page of your marketing funnel, and show this same timer on other pages of that customer journey. 

The timer will be synced between the pages to show a real countdown for that individual user. 

This is great for scarcity and FOMO for your online offers.

Evergreen timers linked between pages - Your visitors will see the same countdown time as they navigate from one web page to another. Linked timers are especially powerful for increasing conversions. As an example, when you show a timer on your sales page and then that same countdown timer follows the user to the cart page.
Timer expiry options - Control what happens when your timer expires such as, present an expired message, a custom message, restart the timer or redirect users to an alternative page.
Preset timer designs - Like with our regular timer element, the evergreen countdown element comes with a range of conversion-optimised designs for you to choose.

OptimizePress Tip

The key purpose of an evergreen countdown timer is that it simulates real time scarcity. Our linked timers feature gives our Evergreen countdown timer element an extra level of  super power.

Video Element Enhancements

Video, video! It’s everywhere. People are consuming it more than ever.

With the right content for their audience anyone can now literally become an online sensation overnight!

As part of our dedication to continually improving the OptimizePress platform, we've already added additional options for our video element to make it even easier and faster to add videos to your pages.

You can now choose from Youtube, Vimeo and Wistia specific embed options (as well as our general embed code option) - and access specific options for those video players to further customize the behavior, look and feel of your player.

For example with the YouTube feature, you can set the video start time.

For Vimeo and Wistia you can set player colour and other player options they offer.

You can quickly add videos from YouTube and Vimeo just by dropping in the video URL. 

This is effortless and a fast way to quickly add multimedia content to your pages. There’s no time wasted trying to find embed codes and checking video embed resolutions, making player colours and removing player branding.

Video players can typically slow down your marketing pages, with that in mind we've made significant improvements to the video code to optimize the loading speed for these elements.

OptimizePress Tip

The faster your pages load the greater the chance is that your visitors will convert to your call to action.

Video Popup Action

You can quickly add videos from YouTube and Vimeo just by dropping in the video URL. 

We said this update had the Hollywood factor and that continues with another new video feature - video popup. As you know we’ve already made it super easy for you to add popups to your pages with our Overlay Builder - now we're doing it again with our new Popup Video Action.

You can easily trigger a popup video via any link on your page. The video will display in a beautiful lightbox with the focus solely on your video - great for highlighting additional features of your product or service or focusing the attention of your prospects.

Some video platforms include this built-in but we made it easy for you to use an existing video without needing to go find the code again.

With this super flexible action, you can trigger the popup video from a text link, a button click or even an image click. Combined with our Video Thumbnail element (see below) you can create beautiful video training areas quickly and easily to showcase your training or video library.

To use the new Video Popup click on the element you want to link and choose Show Video Overlay.

Why use a Video Popup and not the Overlay?

The Video Overlay is designed to simplify the design options available for showing video whereas the Overlay Pop has prebuilt borders, margins and padding. If you just want a clean Video Popup, use the Video Overlay element.

You can also name each Video Overlay to help manage how many videos are on a page.

This will make a little more sense when you read how we can use it with the Video Thumbnail element.

OptimizePress Tip

How easy it is for you to edit your website is very important to us. We added the copy and paste features to the right click of your mouse to make it quick to use and to give you the best editing experience.

Video Thumbnail

Are you a rising video star or do you run your own YouTube channel?

Our Video Thumbnail element is a multi-functional element that is designed to make your life easier in various scenarios.

The video thumbnail makes it easy to upload a video sized thumbnail image, complete with a play button or overlay icon, onto your page. This has a range of applications for your marketing pages and sites.

Scenario 1

The video thumbnail element makes a great trigger element for your video popups (as mentioned above). If you want to show a nice looking video thumbnail image with a play button overlayed, you simply drop in a video thumbnail element, set the image, and you're done.

You could even use this to create a training library of content on one page - with your videos all in video popups to keep your members focused on each training video (and save you having to create separate membership pages). 

Also by using the video popup with multiple videos on a single page, the page loading speed isn’t interrupted by having to load all those individual video scripts.

Here’s Wistia video channel from their series Brandwagon. The exact same style could be created with OptimizePress column layout, Video Thumbnail and Video Overlay element.

See the page here:

Click on a video and it pops up neatly inside a responsive window.

Scenario 2

Maybe you're creating a series of pages for a product launch, you often need an easy way to show upcoming videos or link to previous videos in your video launch series.

By using the video thumbnail, you can drop 2, 3, 4 (or more!) elements into a series of columns and set the overlay icon to either link to a video ready to play (use one our wide choice of play icons) or add a thumbnail for an upcoming video - with a lock or unavailable icon over the top.

This makes your content look great and further teases your upcoming content to keep your prospects engaged.

Scenario 3

The video fake out / teaser. A great way to help boost landing page conversion rates is to add a teaser image of one of your videos from a video series or free video training.

Add a video thumbnail element to your page with a video icon overlayed, and link this to an Overlay Popup with an opt-in form in it.

This instantly boosts conversions as your visitor has already taken the initial step by clicking to watch your video, then they presented with the opt-in form. This two-step process is a proven conversion rate optimizer!

Personal Cloud Library

A WordPress first feature - now you have the ability to import and export pages across different sites that you own, and access these in your own cloud library.

Export templates and sections - Easily use your favourite templates or sections across multiple sites with the personal cloud export feature.
Personal cloud storage - Store your templates and sections in your own cloud storage space. This gives added protection for your favourite designs.
Accessible across all of your sites licensed with OP3 - Share your stored cloud templates and sections across all of your licensed OptimizePress 3.0 websites.

We know many of our users operate multiple sites running OptimizePress and want a way to easily export templates to use on other sites. We also know it's sometimes hard to locate that page that you've created that you want to replicate.

Now with our personal cloud library, you can easily save your favourite page/template designs to your own personal cloud library. Any pages you save to your library are instantly accessible across any other sites you have licensed within your account.

To use the Cloud Library go to Settings > Export Template > Give it Name and Description.

If you work with clients who have their own accounts, or you want to share a template with a friend, you can push templates to their account through their special share code ID.

Brand New Landing Page Templates 

We're dedicated to continually improving the flexibility and versatility of OptimizePress.  One of the ways we put this into action is by regularly delivering new templates into our Cloud Library ready for you to use in your own marketing campaigns.

Here's a summary of just a few of the templates we've added to the platform since our last update:

Free Training Sales Page

This beautiful high impact sales page includes scarcity features (evergreen countdown timer) as well as streamlined layout.  It's super easy for you to modify to add your own copy and be ready to start making sales on your product fast.

Fitness/Personal Trainer Landing Page

This versatile template can be used for a personal trainer, gym or almost any kind of professional that wants to offer consultations or free sessions as a lead generation for getting more prospects.  This template is professional and easy to modify with your own images and copy.

One Page Membership

Need a quick and elegant way to create a membership course or training area for your product?  Our new One Page Membership template is perfect for loading your content through use of our video popups to keep your content delivery area clean and organised.

Exclusive Video Sales Page

Need an easy and quick way to sell your online course or digital product? This sales page template includes everything you need.  High impact button, embedded sales video, module details and testimonials section.  Just add your copy and video and link to your checkout and you're done!

We're regularly adding more templates to our platform, and we listen to our users. If there's a template you're looking for - let us know!

If you want to see more of the templates we have inside OptimizePress right now, check out the sales page templates and landing page templates galleries

New Features Coming Soon 🎉

Global/Sitewide Linked Elements

As business owners, creators and entrepreneurs, we know your time is valuable (and limited).  It's the only resource we can't get more of...

So there's nothing worse than having to spend time rebuilding elements you've already created on your OptimizePress pages when you need to reuse them...

We already went some way to helping solve this issue with our copy and paste features - but we're taking this one step further...introducing Global Elements

This incredible new feature will allow you to save your own personal library of elements, rows and sections from any page on your site, and reuse them as you need (just drag and drop from your own elements sidebar).

Created a beautiful optin form you want to use?  No problem - just save it and then reuse it whenever you need from the global elements feature.

What makes this feature even more powerful though, is the element linking functionality.  This means you'll be able to create ONE instance of an element, save that element, and then reuse it on other pages within your site, and your changes will be synced across all instances of that element.

Created a beautiful optin form you want to use?  No problem - just save it and then reuse it whenever you need from the global elements feature.

What makes this feature even more powerful though, is the element linking functionality.  This means you'll be able to create ONE instance of an element, save that element, and then reuse it on other pages within your site, and your changes will be synced across all instances of that element.

FAQ & Content Toggle

As Leonardo da Vinci apparently once said...

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication"

Now I'm pretty sure Mr da Vinci wasn't thinking about landing pages and sales pages when he made this statement... but his idea still rings true when we consider the design and layout of our marketing pages...

Keeping pages simple, and only including the content that ultimately contributes to conveying your conversion message, is something we practice daily when building landing pages.

To help you keep your pages as simple and conversion focused as possible, we've been working on two powerful new elements - the FAQ & Content Toggle.

These elements are great helping you keep your sales and landing pages shorter by hiding additional informational content - letting your user interact with your page to see additional information on a feature or faq when they want it.

With our content toggle element you can also drop other elements (so you're not just limited to text), inside the toggled area - opening up a whole range of possibilities for your pages with this new element.

What happens next...

How do you get access to these new Features?

If you already have an OptimizePress 3.0 Account: 
Simply update your sites via the WordPress dashboard and you'll see these updates instantly.
Existing OptimizePress 2.0 Customers: Follow the links from your OP2 members hub dashboard to renew/migrate your account

We'd love to hear from you!  Let us know which features you're most excited about, or what you're excited about in our coming soon plans, and keep the updates rolling out!

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